Every time the holiday season rolls around, I squirm a little. It’s that time of year for the avalanche of blog posts, articles, and videos, all around how to eat healthy, how to stick to whatever diet you are on, how to stay on track, bla,bla bla

And every time,  I always roll my eyes when I read them and I’m just like URRRGGGHHH!

Because why do we always have to be so proper, and stay away from fat, or carbs, or whatever we are supposed to stay away from these days??

Why do we always have to restrict ourselves?

Why can’t we all just have some fun, let go for a bit, eat whatever, drink whatever and be ok with it and not feel bad about it?

For just a few weeks! Is that so bad?

So, because I like to lead by example, here’s what I’m going to do this Christmas:

  • Drink my spiked eggnog lattes
  • Eat all the gravy and the cranberry sauce
  • Fight over chocolate with my kid (and do my best to win!)

And I’m going to be happy in the process, because these are the things you are supposed to do at Christmas!

Because having fun and enjoying yourself, and laughing, and letting go, is actually good for you and reduces stress!

And I’m not going to worry about how much I’m eating and drinking, and put myself down because this thing had 200 calories and now I have to be on the treadmill for like 2hrs.

So, this Christmas, here is my health tip for you:


Eat your chocolate. Have fun with your family. Enjoy the treats. Drink. And be merry!


Because that’s what you’re supposed to do at Christmas, and you never know what life can throw your way next year! Enjoy! 🙂

Weight loss management over the holidays







PS: Still want to stay healthy this holiday season?

If you really do want to stay healthy this Christmas and pretend you aren’t tempted by all the goodies, then last year I wrote a blog post with a few actual tips and tricks on how to keep on top of things over the holidays. All of my tips still apply! Feel free to check it out: Your complete guide to survive the holidays and not get fat


Let’s work(out) together

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My specialty is working with clients who want to become more active but don’t know where to start. Check out these links to learn more about how I got into fitness, my personal values, and my personal training approach.

If you are ready to begin your personal training journey, I look forward to hearing from you through my Intake Form. You can also email me directly with any questions: irina@toneeveryzone.ca

Let’s get started!